The Declaration of Independence is divided into four sections. The first section is the introduction, which puts forward how the United States was formed and the concept of equality with the people. The purpose is to introduce the following.

The second section summarizes the most radical political thoughts of the bourgeoisie at that time, namely the theory of Natural Rights and the Right of the People to alter or to abolish government, because the power of the government comes from the consent of the governed. Also, it is proposed for the first that “all men are created equal” and the rights of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

The third section counts all the crimes of the British oppressing the colonial people in North America, which shows that the colonial people were forced to take up arms when they could not bear it, and strongly stated the legality and justice of independence.

The last part is to tell the world that the intention of the Declaration of Independence is correct and hope to get the understanding and support from other countries.

This document is very persuasive, I agree with the statement of the document. The idea of “all men are created equal” was a shock viewpoint when it came out more than two hundred years ago. At that time, the European class division was obvious, including royalty, civilians and slaves. The emergence of the concept of human rights has promoted the development of human civilization. At that time, the state was basically hereditary, and the people had no right to participate in the management of the country. The declaration of independence proposed that the government’s rights come from the consent of the governed, so that the people can also participate in the management of the country, which is the prototype of the current democracy.

“The Declaration constituted high treason against the Crown and every person who signed it would be executed as traitors should they be caught by the British.” The American War of independence is a revolution against British rule, which represents the will of most North American colonists. But for Britain, they are rebellious. If the rebellion fails, they will face hanging or exile. The natural rights and the concept of equality advocated by the Declaration of Independence have been recognized and influenced many countries. For example, it has influenced the French Revolution and the liberation movement in Latin America.