Marie Dorline Desir
English 1121
Prof. Penner
At first, I thought writing a speech or letter would be more difficult to write because I never did this type of assignment before. In grade school, we would have to write poems or Haiku but, I never did a persuasive letter or speech. For most of my classes in college, I’ve written research papers. This assignment was an interesting experience for me because I had to think more and get my brain off ” pause”. I am passionate about the Keto diet which made writing a persuasive letter more believable and honest.
I think reading the speech written by Douglass helped me to write my persuasive letter. I thought about how often Douglass used the verb ” you” in his paper so I decided to do this as well. I wanted my readers to identify with the problem of being overweigh without hurting their feelings. Also, I wanted my readers to identify themselves as being one collective unit.
I think I had trouble convincing my peer partner that I was writing a letter rather than a speech. I began my persuasive letter with ” To All Adults Living in the USA”. I thought this would make my readers think they were reading a letter. Maybe, I needed to address my letter differently. Wollstonecraft addressed her letter to just one person and her writing was very formal. I didn’t want to do that. I wanted my letter to be light and to get people thinking about their weight without getting them depressed.
If I had an extra 24 hours to work on my paper, I would have included more details about the various Keto diets that are out there. Some Keto diets are more flexible like the lazy Keto diet while others are stricter. I interviewed my friend for this assignment but, I would have liked to interview at least 2 more people. This way, I would have gathered more information about how other’s viewed this diet. Having other people’s point of view definitely would have make this letter more interesting.
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