Dear future student,

My name is Isaac Diaz, and I am majoring in Facilities Management with a concentration in Environmental control. I am writing to you to let you know what is ahead in your English 1121 class. As you probably experience in English 1101, English in college is quite different than in high school, this class can be very interesting and challenging at the same time, I came to this class thinking I knew everything about writing and quite honestly is was all the contrary. I also thought this class was going to be as easy as English 1101 and it is not, so I would like to tell you to prepare yourself, the class is easy if you put the work into it.

There is various assignments in this class, and as you know this is a writing class which you will do a lot. You will have deadlines you have to meet if you don’t want to fall behind, and some major units you will have to write, so please make sure you do everything on time if you don’t want to fail the class. One of those units that have really stayed and will stay with me was unit 2. Unit 2 was an annotated bibliography, and it makes sense that you will have to learn to produce one, it will be very beneficial to you as a student, as other classes will require of you to do one , and i have done multiple during this semester.

This semester was fully online and to be honest with you, it was the best one. I meet and make friends with people I probably won’t know their faces. You will have as much time with the professor as you need, she is very responsive and will do her best to help you out in whatever way she can. one thing I would recommend is to make sure you go to her online meetings if you have any questions regarding any assignments as they can sometimes be confusing.

During this semester I learn a lot about writing, reading and critically thinking. Writing is a skill of communication that will help you in many areas of your life. You will learn how to make your ideas more understood through a more careful selection of word choices. You will also develop the ability to stick to one idea at a time and not let your writing wander and become all jumbled. Furthermore, a third skill that you will develop taking this class, which will help you in the future is organization. All of these skills I learned while taking this class, and they will help me in the future as writing is a skill I will need in my future career.