Dear future students of English 1121,

My name is Andy Chantes, I am currently studying facilites management and planning, it is my 3rd year at city tech. Well I just wanted to write to you to let you know a little bit of this class, what you could expect to get out of this class, the experience you will get out of this class, but most importantly how you will grow as a reader and writer as the semester goes on.

Well for one you will in this class there is a unit 2 project paper which is basically an annotated bibliography, which for the ones who do know what that is, it will be really easy but even for those who don’t know how to write one. Expect by the end of this course you will be able to write multiple with no problem. The reason why I mention this to you is, when I was writing this project two, it seemed way much easier then your regular argument essay. It is one way of writing I will never forgot and not the last time I will be using it to use my voice to be heard or make an argument. I personally didn’t know what that was at the beginning but it taught me to become a better writer or at least make me realize that I was such a good writer before and that I really needed more practice in my writing. That one project that stood out to me. Another project I would like to mention to you guys is the unit 1 project. Now the reason why I like to mention this is bucease early into the class we started talking about discourse communities, which you will find out what that means early into the class too. Anyways the project was to write letter to someone or some people and convince them why they should care about your discourse community. I got to say it was really challenging for me to write something like this, but since the very beginning the professor really gave us many ideas to how to start, who to write to, and some good techniques of writing to convince others. Not just that but we got to see examples of how to do it as well, so it made it a little less complicated. Over all those were the two main things that stood out to me in this class I really enjoyed doing them, and I hope you do to.

Now that you seen a little overall of how the class is formed, doing all this from home and not being in person in a way did impact the way I was learning. I know these can be difficult times for many, but me personally it was kind of a challenge in a way bucease not having the professor in front of me to ask her questions right there in class is so much different. Even more worst bucease we didn’t really meet in zoom meetings even though she does have office hours it was just hard to really focus with other classes going on and this one too. How ever I had to go through it, and I hope you don’t have to go through this which is why I am going to give you some advice that helped me stay focused and always give it my best not just in this class but in all my other classes. One is when you planning on doing work and your going to sit down for a good while its best if you clear your desk a clear desk always make a clear head, which takes away so many distractions as you are working. two is drink a lot of water as you are doing work, the human body always needs water to refresh its self when you are under stress. Three don’t be afraid to take short breaks if you have the chance it can get really uncomfortable when you are sitting down all day also when your doing work make sure to always sit up straight and not leaning back against on what ever your sitting on. Finally but not least is to be well organized, with time management if you know your going to be busy certain days make space for other days to get all your work done. That’s really all the advice I can give you.

Over all this class was really a nice experience, even though I never got to see none of my class mates faces, or talk to them besides 2 of them. I really liked the professor how she was able to manage all the assignments she sent us, and give great feedback that really helped a lot. What I will take away from this class is improving my way of communicating with other people and my way of writing, reading skills, and the things I choose for my writing meaning articles and sources. I feel this will be really useful in my future carrier, bucease a ervything is about getting straight to the point with a clear communication, which I feel is what I have learned in this class, and I hope you all do. Anyways I wish you all good luck next semester, and a prosperous one