Hello, my name is Eriq Ahmad. This is my last semester here at City Tech transferring to Baruch next semester and majoring in Accounting. I am writing to you because I want to tell you all of the things you need to know about taking this class and what to expect. An assignment that have stayed with me was the U1 writing assignment because you get to talk about your discourse community, meaning a group of people who share a set of discourses, understood as basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. This is important because you can get to share goals that you and others have, which is basically achieved by communication.

    My experience being an online student is working hard, making sure you do all of your work and study as how college normally is. In my opinion, I found it easier to be thought online rather than in school because I don’t have to wake up early to get up and take the train and with online, everything as of the semester seems much faster. For this class I was very satisfied with taking this course online. Advice to succeed in this area is emailing your professor when you have any questions, go to her office hours if necessary, and just do your work it’s that simple. Also, make sure you submit your work on its due date or else you’ll lose points. After taking this class, what changed in my writing, reading, and thinking as the genres changed was that I needed to think differently since I had to think and create different ideas. Doing this helped me with my writing because it is always good to switch genres, rather than staying with a particular one. This class on the other hand made me better at English when speaking to others which I am very happy and grateful for. The assignments were a lot of fun and will definitely remember them if needed in my other future English classes. Take care and be safe everyone!