Estarlin De La Rosa 

English 1121

Prof. Penner

Micro Activity# 15 – Estarlin De La Rosa

In unit 2 it was a bit difficult as my topic about the black lives matter is somewhat controversial. And my point of focus was to bring up some of the events from the time of slavery in the United States and understand why Americans feel superior to African Americans. As many of you know about this issue, there are numerous cases of police abuses against African Americans, and seeing with my own eyes a massive protest in 2020 after the Black Live Matter movement was something that made me wonder if we are really free or do we continue living in a country enslaved and full of hatred for people different from others.

In this research process, I was able to learn a lot about some protests that existed years ago, as was the case of Martin Luther King Jr, who was a person who defended his people so that they were treated as normal citizens and not with indifference.