Jevon Williams

ENG 1121


Prof Penner

Micro-Activity #21

Part 1: This semester, and particularly this quarter, I’ve learned so much in English. Last quarter began with a multi-modal project on deforestation methods. I was able to talk about ways of expressing awareness of deforestation, and the types of areas it has affected around the world. I then went on to cover places around the world. It was beneficial to learn how deforestation can expand in places like Brazil and the Philippines. In the last paragraphs of the multi-modal project, I taught my audience the side effects of deforestation on the planet; I also described how forests help biodiversity. I thought this topic was the most beneficial in learning how to express our future.

This semester in English, I have learned so much new vocabulary and new terminology. It’s so wonderful that I learned how to evaluate my sources (annotated bibliography). It makes things so much easier to be able to write what I want to say finally. After taking this course last semester and failing it, I was presented with many career options. This means I am considering changing my major or dropping out completely. I was not too fond of the possibilities that came up for my results. I felt that this major fit me very well, and I would be happy doing it, so I decided to try harder for the next semester. I look forward to learning more about my major as I continue to pass my classes in the STEM field through meeting with professionals at workshops and fairs.

Part 2:

I stumbled upon two micro-activities I wrote for this class when revisiting my writing from my sophomore composition this semester. The two assignments I will select are Micro-Activities #12 and #19. Eventually, I have been able to develop the ability to produce decent writing with enough practice. Nevertheless, it has been a long process of implementing ideas and techniques that generally did not seem very important when presented with frits. I always found it good enough to answer the questions, but most frequently, it allowed for choppy, sloppy, and disorganized documents. I found the writing process so painful after completing this first semester of college English that I would still postpone writing my essay until it was almost time to deliver my assignment. I encountered many people, often far older than me, because of this behavioral characteristic, who would try to argue that if I began my writing earlier, I would produce a better document. Still, their logic, to me, was not reasonable. I found that if I put my hand back, my writing was much more effective.

When I started previous ones, I thought I would spend too much time pondering what I would write. The process is not almost as painful as I can produce papers that I am proud and sure of it. It is a challenge to write a report. I had a complete change in how I thought about it as soon as I began writing essays that other people might enjoy reading, writing approached.