Part 1

What I have learned about myself as a reader, writer, and scholar this semester is learning new pieces of writing and also most importantly creating a piece of writing on my own with different types of work. This helped me mostly as a writer because it led me to better learning, make connections and find deeper meanings, and helped me build my creativity on a regular basis. When reading these different types of work, it gave me ideas that I’ve never had before. These ideas helped me as scholars to write and create interesting projects that I have never done in the past other English classes that I’ve taken. However, I’ve developed as both a reader and writer this semester because in my other previous English classes during HS, I was only used to writing argumentative essays which was both boring and not fun. The projects that I’ve done this semester can prepare me for other projects that I may have in the future. I can transfer the knowledge that I’ve learnt from this semester and use it in other English classes that I will take at Baruch College, which is where I am transferring for next semester.

Part 2

Two smaller pieces I would like to include in my portfolio are Micro-Activity #8, and Micro Activity #15. The reason why I chose these two pieces into my portfolio is because for Micro Activity #8, it talked about what I’ve struggled with in my Unit 1 writing assignment. At first I believed that I did really well but turns out that it wasn’t as good as I was hoping for. Also, I chose this because I’ve never ever wrote a speech, which I can definitely use to remember the mistakes that I’ve made to avoid in the future. For Micro Activity #15, I chose this because I’ve talked about what I’ve found difficult when working on my Unit 2 writing assignment, which was the toughest piece of work that I’ve completed for this class. I struggled a lot with that piece of work since I didn’t know how to do research on the City Tech’s library. Although, in order for me to overcome these struggles, I talked to the professor and friends from the class about what I needed help with so that I can move on and finish the work strong. Based on the work that I’ve completed so far this semester including the two small pieces of work, leaving this in my final portfolio will remind me of the work that I’ve done, the struggles I had to overcome, and the knowledge that I’ve gained to become both a better reader, writer, and scholar.