Part 1

What I have to say about the final reflection, and the questions that will contain all of that. I feel they those questions somthing we can all reflect upon on, and how I’ve grown as a writer, writing many different types of papers, and way to represent work. I feel like I have learned a lot about me as a writer knowing that I am able to create a piece of writing that can make a clear statement and argument. I honestly haven’t written so much since HS when I would write 14 page essays for a finial project each year. So it was a really good practice for me and a good reminder that I am able to do these good papers. I also feel I’ve improved my reading this semester I’m not usually a person who likes to read a lot but one of the many things I’ve done this semester is read in this class in order to complete my assignments, and make them as clear as possible. I can really say one of the many ways I will be using the knowledge I’ve learned in this class or at least improved is, the way I comunícate with people and how I can get my targeted audience to hear my voice and for them to actually understand it, that wont be so complicated for someone to understand. Another things I will take away from this class is the way is how to make good connections with so many things.

Part 2

Well one I can say that was pretty hard for me was my unit 3 but, for my a artistes statement well, just knowing I had to do a artistes statement for a power point seemed weird to me but before, I even took this class I didn’t really go into detail about what I did. This recent project really made me realize how much of I really go in depth with my writing, when I do it on a project that I am passionate about. It was really hard for me to explain the power point but It seemed that I really only had to explain why I choose the imagines and how that connected to many other things. which did make me think of how much of a writer I have grown not just over this semester but over the years that I’ve made projects. Another one I can include in this was the unit 1 project even thought I did end up getting a good grade on that, there was still some stuff that I needed to improve on and make them better, My way of speaking and trying to get the clear message out there to the audience or person reading it.