I have been writing and writing, I am tired of writing. Well not really, just feeling the need to go back to the multi modal exercise. It is that one that I would like to revise. I am not sure how much of a deviation I will go from the original content at this moment. I am hoping some of the tryptophan in the turkey will help me. It is hard to explain the mini drama putting my multi modal PowerPoint together was. There were many issues and even the final product challenged me. Normally the upload was done with a sigh of relief and some pride depending on how it went. This unit I had to break apart and in doing that I lost some of my sound effects. That was disappointing because that was an effort in itself. In some circumstances I would find a YouTube video of the sound, convert to MP3 or 4, and then to a wav file to get it on the slide. So many sound effects sites wanted to bill me or get my email for more spam. It was tedious, frustrating, and the product I think reflects the stresses. External events also had an influence and I had to “pull in the reigns” so to speak. Yes, I would like to take a second look at the unit 3 multi modal assignment. With an eye to make it more of a poster type slide with the same content in mind. Perhaps including some artwork? Not sure because my sketching ability is way out of practice.