I am going to be using Microsoft PowerPoint as part of the genre for choosing a multimodal text this unit. When you have a presentation screen on it , the crowd is going to look at it. There’s no question about that, But it’s important that you put the right material on your slides. Having a slide full of text will bore the viewers and stop them from listening to you when they want to read rather than listen to you. Using singular words and graphics helps the audience to create a vision in their heads when you’re talking. They’re going to remember that better so they have a fuller vision in their heads. The Black Lives Matter campaign launched in 2013 to condemn police discrimination against communities of color and other types of ethnic abuse throughout the United States. I hope to inform the audience about the problems with main issue discrimination against the color also explaining the black lives matter movement. I also aim to inform, inspire and mobilize people to combat racism and racially motivated violence, and generate a sense of solidarity that can lead to future activism for social change. To increase awareness of local social injustice and Black Lives Matter, “a global and, in some ways, foreign movement that people don’t know anything about, except name recognition,” said Russell Rickford. More specifically, I want to create a bit of hype and absorb some of the momentum of this revolution and channel it locally.