I would like to prepare something that is informative to my discourse community. I would like it to be something standardized every slide. Staying in character through the whole project. It will probably be difficult to find similar gifs or short clips. But I believe if I keep it to a common simple theme that I can get close. Meaning if I wanted to show the transfer of money from one hand to another clip. It’s a common theme so I can probably find many types. Hopefully there will be something within my theme. I would like it to be a story. With a beginning a middle and an end.

The five elements I would like are first a theme. As I said a common factor. Say I did choose Top Cat, or I decide all animations will be in light blue, or a squirrel, a commonality in each frame. Second, I would like to have a gif or a jpeg in each frame. I suppose it cannot be complicated so I can have it available and find them readily, with the same or similar to my theme. Third, I would like a sound affect something dramatic when necessary, or happy tone when needed, to set the mood for the animation. Fourth, bullet text that is simple and not too wordy. I do not want the viewer to have to read too much text. Fifth, I would like it as a fable. Having a point at the end of the story. When I was younger Aesop’s fables were my favorites. I found him remarkably wise. I liked the book I had short story, illustration, and a clever message. I doubt I can come up with something as wise as him especially within my subject, but I will give it a try.

To accomplish this, I am banking on PowerPoint. I know the program can accomplish what I would like it to do. But the question is can I make it do it? There are some great programs that work in unison with PowerPoint. One I have looked at is Vyond, it used to be called GoAnimate. I do not plan on buying the program but I consider it a great way to compose a multi modal project. As it seems these days no one like to give anything away at all for free. I have started looking for sites with free animation. Many of them want me to sign up with my email. They will sell it. And my overtaxed, overwhelmed already, original AOL mail account, will get another proverbial straw on its back.  I would like to organize the project as a fable. And generate some characters. And as I described keeping it as consistent as possible slide to slide. And have contained within the story a moral, that coincides with my conclusion contained within my annotated bibliography.