The genre I have chosen to d this project for Multimodal is, wanting to make a poster, type flyer with visuals. I want to have key points in text boxes around the imagines surround them, to try and get my word out there and not focus a lot of the things people already know. I have to obtain images that will help me make an argument, to talk to my audience without having to talk, about certain things. I hope to use a TED talk to my advantage, to try and get make my point even more clear. Reference a lot of stuff through pictures or drawings that tells the story it’s self. What I wish to accomplish from this is to inform people what is going on in the world and how it’s affecting us right now, and how it will affect us in the long run. The length I will be putting into this is short but, I will try to make as much key points, but things that are big factors and contribute to the problem. Well I pretty much said what I will use in my final product, a cupel of elements I can say I will be using is, visual as how I said I want the images to tell part of the story. The lay out is another element I will be using which I’m planning on putting many different set ups for many of the key points but that all tie up at the end. I really cant think of other ones right now, but those are the ones I plan on using. I plan on using a voice ton like in a way to warm people, of what the current situation can do.