No matter the languages you speak, it is better to inform the readers by using Images. A picture or image is a way of teaching that can develop visual literacy and skills, contributing to the overall critical thinking of lifelong learning. A picture tells a thousand words; there is real value in using an image to promote scientific content. Images help us learn, grab attention; besides,  images explain challenging concepts. I think Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi decided to inform readers through graphic novels and film because we can learn more by using an image. Some people do not know how to read. However, they can understand the images. The entire novel or film might affect how I understand and let me know each author wants to show that learning through pictures is an excellent learning method.

I never had the opportunity to work on a multimodal piece. However, if I had to work on a multimodal, I would be excited because I like everything related to art.