An English language adage says ” A picture is worth a thousand words” meaning that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still image, which conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a mere verbal description. This is what I believe  Aydin, Spiegleman, and Satrapi did. They decided to inform readers about these important, historical events using multimodal texts, rather than writing traditional novels or historical essays. Sometimes images give depth and context to a description or story and provide a much more immersive experience than writing alone. By looking at the samples we were given, I do believe it would affect the reader’s point of view. These images are so rich based on the context and carry such a powerful message that could stir up strong emotions not only on those that lived through it, like the Late John Lewis but also reminds the younger generation of the struggles people like Dr. M. King and Congressman Lewis went through to fight for equality and freedom. This type of “communication” is so effective that I think they would definitely reach the Author’s target audience.

If PowerPoints are considered multimodal text , then I have worked on it before. I have done a few PowerPoints’ for other classes and recently did a flyer for my Child Psychology class which the professor said I did great. I’m excited on this unit, not just because it seems like the semester is almost over but because this unit seems promising. It seems like we can convey something more than our opinion doing this project based on the information from our previous research paper. Nevertheless I’m worried I won’t do good on this unit compare to the other 2 although we don’t know the grades on the second one as of yet.