Marie Dorline Desir

English 1121

Prof. Penner

I think Aydin, Spiegleman and Satrapi decided to inform readers about these important historical events using multimodal texts because multimodal texts are powerful communication tools. I learned that multimodal texts combine two or more modes of communication so combining words, images, and sounds are very interactive. Just reading a historical novel with dense passages can be boring and many people would probably skim through those sections or even decide not to read the book. However, adding visual aids and sound to a historical situation creates intrigue and interest.

The topics that these authors write about are very sensitive and thought provoking. I believe these three authors used multimodal texts to stir up emotions in viewer’s hearts in ways that books or movies using actors wouldn’t.

I think reading or watching the entire novel or film would probably disturb me because I am very empathic person. By reading and watching these movies , I would learn a great deal of information but I would become very emotional. I would feel very sad if the story line took an unpleasant turn or I would feel happy when events were favorable.

I have never created a multimodal text. This will be a new experience for me so as you can imagine I feel very anxious. I wish I could do this assignment with a partner. This way we could have learned from each other. I don’t even know what a TED talk is let alone create one. I think I would be less afraid of this assignment if the class learned how to make a short movie first. Then, I would have the tools needed to complete this assignment without being so fearful.