Jevon Williams

ENG 1121


Micro Activity

Micro-Activity #15

I had difficulty doing a couple of parts of this research task. First, I thought it wasn’t easy to go online to find my articles using the school library database. The hardest part for me to do this kind of research is to find the right sources for answering your question. Certain websites have long papers to read to see whether it speaks about what you’re looking for, and some items to access. I had two sources that were the same during my research; I had to look for another source that could be used in my research paper. I felt that it was frustrating to find the information I needed on so many other websites. I found it not easy to find sources when I was doing annotated bibliography research. Three referrals must be found, and all three different genres or media must be used. For example, in my research paper, I used a journal article (a book), a newspaper article, and a university article.

I felt that it was frustrating to find the information I needed on so many other websites. I found it not easy to find sources when I was doing annotated bibliography research. For example, in my research paper, I used a journal article, a newspaper article, and a university article. I found this essay in the middle; if somebody asks me whether it’s hard or simple, I know most of the work because I had already done this kind of essay in my previous course before, but it had changed a lot. However, I can take this research into my future classes as I learned how research papers are.

I learned to look for the author’s principal idea, find resources that correspond to my question, explain more about what the author is trying to say in his article, and distinguish my opinions from the views of the author.