To be honest I found writing annotated bibliography difficult for me but the concept was pretty easy. What I mean is for someone who did an annotated bibliography before I believe is easier and they know how to do the research correct. In my case the question I picked was pretty hard i barely found any books talking regarding the influence of the media. It was necessary to write 3 entries with different genres. I found a YouTube one and an article but most of the research was with articles. The other thing I found a bit difficult was the max words I barely wrote to the minimum words and this is my first time that I struggle with length. The other thing was citation because back in my country we used to do citation differently, this was a whole new formation to me even with the examples and cites weird YouTube links and articles were kind of complicated to me. I believe next time I have to do such an assignment in whatever class will be much easier for me because now I know how to do research and how to do citation based on MIA format. I believe I have an other class that needs such as a similar assignment but its in the end of the semester I hope I improve the techniques and write a much better bibliography.