Doing this research was honestly easier than our first writing assignment. I honestly enjoyed everything from this assignment, from the research and development of the body to learning how to write an annotated bibliography, and even thought my writing needs some more improvement, I believe in this one I did much better than the first one which is quite an achievement because I know I have some problems when it comes to writing, although I honestly would have googled stuff to be able to find more information because there was not enough info in the City Tech Library database, I think it is also important to sometimes search outside of your comfort zone. There was also some information that I found to be interesting, and supportive of my arguments. Something that I learned while doing this type of research that I can definitely apply on other classes is how to look for proper information regarding the questions I might have to answers. I also learnt that when summarizing the articles or videos, I need to keep my opinion and emotions to myself and be as neutral as possible. I also learnt to look for information from different sources or genres which definitely helps you when writing such an assignment, because you have more than one perspective. another fun part of this assignment was our reflection, we can take all the information we have learnt over the writing period and applied those ideas or thoughts in our paper to develop good responses.