Amanda Feliz 

October 26, 2020


Prof. Penner 

The most difficult part about doing this type of research for me is finding the right sources to answer your question. Some websites would have long articles, that you would have to read to see if it talks about what you looking for, and some articles you would have to pay to access them. During my research, I have two sources that were the same, I had to search for a different source that I can use on my research paper. 

Another difficult part of doing this type of research is explaining my ideas on my research and having enough information to support my thesis. To be honest, during this research I learned many things that I didn’t know. The articles that I chose for my paper were really good articles that I learn many things about black cultures, black oppression, police brutality, statistics, people’s opinions, solutions, and black business. 

However, this type of research I can take with me into my future classes because I learned how research papers are. I learned how to look for the author’s main idea, find sources that match my question, elaborate more on what the author is trying to say in their article, and separate my opinions from the author’s opinions. This class made me learn how to look for different types of articles so for instance, in my research look for a journal article, ted talks, the City Tech library, and gov websites. I would definitely take these materials with me in my future classes.