Okay, so we’ve gotten through Unit 2! Yay!

The big thing to make sure you do this week is to submit on MONDAY the final draft of the Unit 2 Writing Assignment. I’m sure you’re thinking, “How are we supposed to submit it?”

I have the answer, which is on the Agenda page for Week 10.

Please note that I will not evaluate a Unit 2 project that is not submitted correctly!

DO NOT just copy and paste your project into a post.

DO NOT attach a Word Doc. It must be a PDF.

DO NOT email me your U2 Writing Assignment.

DO NOT wait until 11:30 PM to upload the assignment.


I also want you to spend a little time on Monday writing and reflecting on this project and posting it. Some things to consider: What worked? What didn’t? What would you do differently, if you could start over? What did you learn during this project? (More details in the Agenda.)

And then we’ll get started on Unit 3–which is where you’ll take the research you’ve just completed, and repurpose it.

What the #*&%# does “repurpose” mean, you may be thinking?

Go to the Agenda. All will be answered there.

Have any questions (after examining everything I’ve posted)? Come visit an office hour!