Research Question: How has the legal system failed African Americans?

One of the bigger reason I got interested in my question, was because of the political climate we are living in at the moment. Now I’m not just interested in my question because of the political climate we are living in, but also because throughout this time I have become aware of the injustice and inequality minority, especially African American have to endure.

Because of how information is manipulated and how the agenda of big corporations and media outlets are at play here, I do expect to find some information that relate to my question but I honestly don’t expect to find a lot of recent information. something that I would like to get throughout my research is a sort of reinforcing information on how the legal system in the United States has in some way marginalized and dehumanize people of color and has failed to treat every human being as equal, especially African Americans. As an immigrant and a person of color, I can relate as to how a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular person or a particular view on a certain type of “race” hurt people, but more than that it is the fact that we as a society have in some way validated these types of views to justified the way we treat others.

I am a believer in science and because I do believe in it, if my hypothesis fails in some way, the first thing is to examine the data collected and then used it together with my research to find the possible reason as to why it is or was incorrect. it might be possible that while doing my research my hypothesis changes either partially or completely but it all depends on the information I come across.