Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Cindy Cortes Corona, Micro-Activity #11

Topic: Human Rights

Notes: – Human rights are our basic rights that we all inherit.

  • The rights are based on shared values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence. 
  • Human rights are relevant to all of us, not just those who face repression or mistreatment.
  • They protect you in many areas of your day-to-day life, including:
  • your right to have and express your own opinions
  • your right to education 
  • your right to a private and family life
  • your right not to be mistreated or wrongly punished by the state
  • All human rights are indivisible and interdependent.  This means that one set of rights cannot be enjoyed fully without the other.

Summary: The reading that I’ve done so far, I am able to see why and how our Human Rights are important and how it affects us. Also, it explained how we are all entitled to proper education, express our own thoughts, opinions, and feelings. And then made sure that we know our rights in order to not be punished by the states. I then learned how human rights are indivisible and interdependent, which basically means that a set of rights has to be wanted as much as the other.


  1. In what ways has Human rights seem not to be used in today’s time?
  2. Do each race group receive the same rights as the other in the view of the media?
  3. What has been done to bring attention to the unfair treatment in humans rights?
  4. Do you think that human rights are only applied to certain people rather than all?

1 Comment

  1. Jessica Penner

    Great questions!

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