Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Andy Chantes, Micro-Activity #11


Two that I have chosen from 1 topic I would love to do which is renewable energy and sustainability, the reason why I choose this topic was because the major I’m in right now has to do with sustainability, The other reason I choose this is because I really want to have a masters in sustainability in todays evolving world in different technologies, and ways to save energy as well as save money and be more effective. It’s really important for people to be aware of the effects it can do towards us as humans and our eco system.


  • some notes I’m talking down are what are some big issues on this topic which I can see in this article I am reading is is deforestation, air pollution, water pollution, natural resource depletion, global warming.
  • Some important notes I can also take away from this article is this is going to affect us in the long run, the way we produce our energy now can affect our life style around us, the animals around us.
  • The things we are headed towards are unrevivable, and that is somthing really important in my point of view because, that is really scary just to even see it. so it’s really about making vidle decisions, that will affect us.
  • Many animals will loose there’s homes due to the rise of temperature they will loose it because of the depletion of ice.
  • This will cost many countries around the to loose so much money, in repairs, or even losing cost cities ones like NYC


Well a short summary is that people don’t want to listen epically people in power, not all of them, but some of them. We as humans if we don’t stop this it will result in many casualties the death of many people, the destruction of our own homes/ places. Many car companies want to go electric in the near future, due to this problem as little the different changes can be it still makes a difference. This air pollution affects many with respiratory problems. The pollution in the water the water we drink, and the water many species live in and off of. I understood that we are running out of our natural recourses like fossil fuel which takes a lot of time to be created, which will lead us to use other methods to generate energy.

4 Questions

How do we plan to get a plan to important people?

If somthing catastrophic happens what is the plan?

How do we convince more people to let them know the horrible future that awaits us if we don’t do nothing?

I don’t have another question I can think of right now.

1 Comment

  1. Jessica Penner

    Great questions so far!

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