September 21,2020

I decided to write a letter for my discourse community assignment. I believe a letter will reach more people than a speech would. I could mail my letter to any person living anywhere in the United States or I can even send my letter to the people living in Asia. A speech reaches a smaller percentage of the population at one time.

My discourse community are those people who are overweight and need to lose weight for health reasons. Most Americans today are heavy and there is a strong relationship between obesity and many comorbid diseases. Many people have high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Having these diseases can be deadly and costly.

Central idea: Most people living in the states are overweight. They work long hours, are too busy to cook their own meals, (preferring to grab processed foods like McDonalds) or maybe they don’t have easy access to grocery stores. The Keto diet is a science based diet to help people lose weight. A protein diet helps your body to burn calories and boost metabolism. The audience for this letter are for people over the age of 18. My main argument will include that the Keto diet works for people to lose weight and get healthier at the same time. I will write a persuasive letter and include many studies and research articles that shows the benefits of the Keto diet.