The Topic I have chosen for the Annotated Bibliography is Racism


Racism is where someone treats another person differently because their skin color is not the same as theirs, they speak a different language or have different religious beliefs, for example. Some people are picked on because they look different or speak a different language. Some people wear certain styles of clothing because of their religion and may get bullied because of this.

  systematic racism is a combination of systems, institutions and factors that advantage white people and for people of color, cause widespread harm and disadvantages in access and opportunity.

being an ally is a person who makes an intentional decision to understand, empathize, and act in support of others. It is not a person’s identity. Rather, it’s a lifelong commitment and practice that involves reflection, rethinking, and relearning past behaviors and approaches to constantly improve their self-awareness and adopt inclusive behaviors.

A short paragraph on what I learned:

Something that I learned is how the system is failing people of color, throughout my readings and not just that but my Health Psychology class in which we are talking about Race and how the term has been used to marginalized and dehumanized people of color, has impacted the way African American are seen, and treated because of the melanin in their skin and how society has shifted the blame towards African Americans for basically wanting fair treatment and equality.


  1. How has the legal system failed African Americans?
  2. What is being done by our elected officials to end racism?
  3. How do you talk to family and friends about racism?
  4. What can I do to help create change in our country?