Marie Dorline Desir

Issues I am passionate about and would be willing to sacrifice for:

  1. Climate change:

Climate change adversely affects agriculture.

Climate change means the earth is heating up, there are more droughts, and more flooding that is occurring around the globe.

Climate change is caused by people using too much fossil fuels including coal and oil.

Farmers need solutions to change the way they have been farming for the last 50 years. New and improved farming techniques need to be developed.

2. Adolescents should not be charged as adults in the legal system:

Adolescents have higher rates of emotional/sexual trauma being confined to adult facilities.

Adolescents have a higher rates of being arrested again.

Adolescents brains are not fully formed, they act impulsive, and they follow peer pressure.

Adolescents are less likely to consider long-term consequences for their options.

3. Legalization of marijuana:

Marijuana is not a gateway drug and most people who smoke don’t go on to use other drug substances.

More African Americans are arrested for violating marijuana than whites-racial disparities.

Taxing marijuana is profitable.

Marijuana can be used to treat a variety of illness such as PTSD.

4. Housing problem in America:

There is a housing shortage of affordable housing in America.

Affordable housing is not affordable to build.

There is not enough housing to go around for every person.

There is a major black and white gap in housing ownership.