Problem: Racism

This issue has been around for far too long when it should’ve never occured. I believe that this is still around because of the way parents educate their children. Also because of the person who’s our president. He doesn’t say anything about “racism” if anything he’s a racist himself.

Problem: Homeless people

The issue is quite simple to explain, in New York and everywhere across the world there is experience with homeless people. But there are many infact in New York that I’ve seen thus far even in the middle of a global pandemic. They sleep on the streets every night, everyday, for how long? I am not sure. However it’s likely to find alot of homeless people here in New York because of the fact that rent is high, they got unemploymed, or they were born in poverty, and not enough jobs that are willing to hire them.

Problem: Habitat destruction

Ever since I was little I knew that people were destroying animal homes for more land that can be used to build buildings, factories, and homes. We even see this in the news, due to the fires that happened in the past years, many homes were destroyed but easily replaced, but for the animals? Their homes were not able to be fully recovered, and many animals were not saved as well.

Problem: Gender inequality

Members of the LGBTQ+ community have been fighting for their basic rights for so long. We are all human beings, so why do some people treat them like a piece of trash or a person with no feelings. There are so many cases, not only in the United States but all around the world about cases where members from the LGBTQ+ community were killed, murdered, and bullied into killing themselves just because of their sexuality.