I am considering the following questions to research.

  1. Are patriots and nationalists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis, or fascists?

Explore “Proud Boys” men’s club. Is it true powerful nationalism or patriotism can lead to jingoism? Why BLM website emphasizes to vote against white supremacy? Are right wing conservatives considered white supremacist and left wing against black suppression? BLM has mixed membership. Is it certain that these groups are separated along a racial divide? BLM protests are a combination of different organizations. Right wing assemblies are a combination of different organizations. Number counts and is definition of force. Polarization along political and racial lines. Is the labeling legitimate, or is it an attempt to silence a voice under the auspice of racism, xenophobia, homophobia and all the other adjectives used currently? 

2. Is ANTIFA a terrorist organization?

Their acceptance of property destruction, their propensity for violence. Their comparison as left-wing anarchists. They believe they are the counter action to neo-Nazis and Fascists. Charlottesville, VA, in August 2017. Origin was from plans to remove a confederate statue. White nationalists drove a car through the crowd. How is racism and BLM contributing to defund the police movement? Does ANTIFA concern itself with Black/Police relations or is a means to an end to overcome resistance for their cause? Antifa has its roots in Germany as the Nazis would not have come to power if stopped by the people. Antifa rejects racism but uses unacceptable tactics.

3. Is Democratic Socialism a viable alternative for government in the US?  

Countries with the current system, the failure of Venezuela, the success in Sweden. Sweden version, what is required for it to be successful? Is Democratic Socialism the first step towards Communism? What exactly is Democratic Socialism. There is a possible requirement for a nation to we very wealthy in order to be successful. Can the US survive the transition? Why is there a desire to disarm the public? What happened in Venezuela, would that happen here. Are the governmental systems similar? Are foreign entities meddling in US affairs? If so why? Does this idea originate from FDR’s ideas in the 1930’s in dealing with the great depression?  

4. Is racism the real cause of violence/property destruction recently in the US?

Alignment of left-wing advocacy groups and the democratic party. BLM and their Marxist philosophy. Why does BLM consider themselves Marxist trained? Why was the NFAC organized? Are they a black supremacists? Alignment of far right and nationalists and patriots. Some groups are radically nationalistic and are clearly along with their political beliefs, racist. Are far left operators targeting groups to advance their political agenda, preying on racism? Is there a connection between BLM and a political agenda? BLM formed after Trey Martin case. See #1 Conservative Black Movement Candace Owens. BLM was marked on statue in Charlottesville while it remained in place during lawsuit. The statue of a confederate general removal was certain to cause certain groups to respond. Was this intentional/accidental?  

At this moment I am looking at #3 carefully. It would be easier to cast aside any biases and write something objectively. It is also very interesting, informative relevant and content rich.