Jevon Williams



Micro-Activity #8

Micro-Activity #8: Reflection on Unit 1

What are your thoughts on writing in the genre you chose? Did you find it easier to express your thoughts via this genre vs. traditional academic writing (such as an essay). Why or why not? Also, reflect on how the model (either the speeches by Douglass and/or A.O.C. or letter by Wollstonecraft) helped you create your piece.

I enjoy the idea that letters are a literary genre. Maybe letter writing is the most democratic of all genres, something anybody can do, and at least one reader is guaranteed. I found it easier to express my thoughts via a letter rather than traditional academic writing (such as an essay). This is because writing a letter allows you to take a step back from a specific trauma or emotions and generate perspective- so that I have the chance to examine what I’m experiencing. Wollstonecraft’s letter helped me create my piece, reflecting on the model I used, thought looking at my paper, it’s not as engaging and exciting as Wollstonecraft’s letter.

Find a section of the Unit 1 assignment that you struggled to write. Quote it and explain what you were struggling with and steps you took to overcome the difficulty you were facing.

Something that I struggled with during the writing Unit 1 assignment was the body paragraphs of the letter. ” Morals have been degenerating.” I was struck by how I was going to write about morals. It was hard for me to find how sin affected morals. I did some extensive research and watched some speeches on morality to give me some ideas. I asked friends, family, and my peer review partner to help me out and write the body. It helped me get the confidence to start writing a good letter.

Imagine you had 24 additional hours to work on the speech or letter, what would you do to further develop it? Why?

A few days before the due date, I’ve finished my paper. I then sent it within about a day of the deadline. Even though I had the extra time to do anything else to develop it, I couldn’t have done much until my peer-reviewed work suggested or recommended any type of correction. If I had extra time of 24 hours, I could have developed more on my peer’s suggestions, although I did some work on my writing after his review.