Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Unit 2: Introduction to Annotated Bibliography Discussion

In the “reply” section, answer one or more question fully.

Have you ever written an annotated bibliography before?

Have you done research for another class?

What is some advice you might give to peers about research?

In addition, you may use this opportunity to ask practical questions about the assignment itself (deadlines, formatting, etc.).

Your response needs to be around 150 words.


  1. Eriq Ahmad

    Based on my experience, I have never written an annotated bibliography. All I have written so far are argumentative essays and a speech. I have done research for other classes like for example CST and Human Biology, where I write essays on a certain topic for group projects. Although, some advice I would give to peers about research is to never use Wikipedia (information isn’t true and could be plain wrong), know your resources (always use and site credible sources), and carry ideas of your project when reading so that you will know exactly what you’re looking for. One question I have about the assignment is that is it the same as the U1 writing assignment where we are paired with a partner and have to do a peer review sheet?

  2. Isaac

    Based on the writing I have done in college or back in high school, I have never done any annotated bibliography work before. all the work I have done so far are essay type of writing and some basic research for my interdisciplinary course : Health Psychology. looking through Unit 2 assignment, I got a little worry that I might not be able to do it because of the research, and writing requirement, though something I learned while taking English composition 1 was the used of credible sources like the New York Times and other credible sources and to try not to use Wikipedia, not because the information might be inaccurate, or false but because Wikipedia is a sort of public domain information that can be edited by anyone with access to the internet, that will be one of my advises, to look for and used sources that can be verified

  3. Dorline

    Marie Dorline Desir

    I have previously written an annotated bibliography for a research in English 101. At first, I thought learning to write a research paper with an annotated bibliography would be very difficult. But, I learned the importance of learning to write one especially if I want to continue my studies. I have big dreams and I want to one day go to grad school. I know I will have to write my thesis ( and include an annotated bibliography) so I feel like I am practicing now for it.
    The best advice I can give someone about writing a research paper is to be neat and organized. When I had to write mw research paper I bought a spiral notebook to use specifically for my notes. For every research article I reviewed, I wrote down all my notes and any important information that I was going to put in my paper. I also wrote the annotated bibliography at the top so I wouldn’t get confused later on. I also used highlighter markers. I went to the library and printed out various research articles that I thought I would use. Then, I highlighted the most important ideas for future references.
    I thought it was great that my professor broke down the research assignment into small do-able sections so that we didn’t become overwhelmed with the work. Even though all of this seemed like extra work in the beginning, it helped me to write a great research paper that I was very proud of doing.

  4. Andy

    One comment I have to make on the new unit is I think I remember doing it in Highschool but I’m not so sure. But from what I read of this assignment it seems intreating to do, and I hope I enjoy doing it. I have never done it done it in any of my other classes ether, but I have done research in my other classes I’m not sure if its the same as this one but it was in my anthropology class. I had to do research Feld and through the books/ internet. So i really hope this turn out to be a good unit, and for now I do not have any questions.

  5. Amanda

    I have never actually written an annotated bibliography. So this would be my first time if we do it in this class. I had done research for other classes and an advice I would give to my peers about research is that first be sure you know what you wanna do because I feel like if you don’t know then your research would be difficult. I recommend doing topics that you know well about because you are able to talk about the topic more. Also I would tell my peers to pay attention to the website they are using because for instance wikipedia isn’t a reliable source because they give out false information about things. I heard the best websites are edu websites or or, but in my opinion I feel like research assignments are difficult for me because sometimes I try to find good evidence but I can’t find it then it becomes stressful. A question I have is can we pick our own topic to research?

  6. Amanda

    I have never actually written an annotated bibliography. So this would be my first time if we do it in this class. I had done research for other classes and an advice I would give to my peers about research is that first be sure you know what you wanna do because I feel like if you don’t know then your research would be difficult. I recommend doing topics that you know well about because you are able to talk about the topic more. Also I would tell my peers to pay attention to the website they are using because for instance wikipedia isn’t a reliable source because they give out false information about things. I heard the best websites are edu websites or or, but in my opinion I feel like research assignments are difficult for me because sometimes I try to find good evidence but I can’t find it then it becomes stressful. A question I have is can we pick our own topic to research?

  7. Joe

    To be honest I have not come across annotated bibliographies often. I am only familiar with footnotes. I have prepared papers and have read books that contain numerous footnotes to an idea or a direct quote. Annotated bibliographies appear to use the same basic format as a footnote, plus additional information about the author. I understand that to avoid plagiarism by footnotes are necessary. And rightfully so as person should not be given credit for another’s work. But the annotated bibliography adds more to the reference and must contribute additionally to the understanding of the complete work.
    I have not written a research paper. Most of what I have written was original content with references to supporting my ideas with footnotes. I am assuming that annotated bibliographies give a more in depth explanation of the reference sited. As a legal studies major I have become familiar with citations and how they are used, but they are in a total different form. This is new to me and my first impression is that this is used because a understanding of the authors concepts are required, to develop the big picture in the purpose of the research paper. It enables to bring additional clarification or support an element of being studied.

  8. Satariac

    I have never written an annotated bibliography and i am also unsure how to even approach this after looking at several examples. I have done research before but it was on a specific topic. I dont have any questions as of yet but i am sure I will have some later.

  9. Cindy Cortes Corona

    Throughout my time with writing, I never have written a bibliography before. However, I have done research-based work for other classes such as for social studies, and science. Advice that I have for my peers about research is to make sure about where you are getting your information from. For example, you should not be getting your background information from Wikipedia or non-scholarly places/ websites. I for example get my information from newspapers, .org websites, or when researching a historical person, I tend to use Or even better yet you can use books from the library to seek information about your topic or person. Articles also can be a great use because the information is recent and can sometimes be a secondary source. But, it is better to find primary sources first if you can. As for questions about this unit, I don’t have any as of yet.

  10. jevon

    Yeah, I’ve previously written an annotated bibliography. Annotated bibliographies are aggregating resource lists that are correlated with a topic of research. Students and researchers are actively searching for outstanding resources on a particular research topic and are developing a plan of the best help they have found. You will be able to explain your sources’ content and evaluate their usefulness. You’ll also be able to share this information with others who may be less familiar with them. When I took ENG 1101, I was assigned to do the annotated bibliography as an evaluation task at the beginning of my research project. It was to encourage me to investigate and reflect on what has already been found about my subject. In addition to source information (such as title, name of the author, publication information, and other identifiable information), writers also include a summary of each source to provide information on its content.

  11. Jean Holmi Germain

    Response: Annotated bibliography is a bibliography that gives a summary of each of the entries. The purpose of annotations is to provide the reader with a summary, and an evaluation of each source annotated bibliography should be concise and well-written. During all my experience, I have never written an annotated bibliography before. However, I have done much researches for other classes when I have to submit some assignments. I might advise my peers by letting know that annotated bibliography and doing research for classes are intellectual works; those kinds of work will help you have experiences in your personal life and let you grow intellectually.
    Jean Holmi Germain

  12. Daria Dubovskaia

    I have written the bibliography before. This is a very tedious process. Before CUNY when I studied abroad, the whole class spent the night in the university library because of the deadline and strict requirements for bibliography structure. The hardest. Thing to do was to understand not the rules for bibliography but the exclusions. For example, if a book was printed/handwritten in the capital of a country then it has be the first letter followed by a dot, all other cities shall be written in full EXCEPT.. I remember it vividly. I used to go though the hardcopies in a library but our resources are on COVID so my recommendation for the class is to learn this journalistic knowledge, this is interesting and you will understand in the future how the paperwork is referenced. Take a deep dive at list once. Another reason to do that if you will pe pursuing PhD, this is tremendously important to properly frame down your bibliography. I would not want to spend time on auxiliary knowledge being an adult seeking PhD, that I could have spent when I was 19-25 years old.

  13. Rex Dovolani

    I have never written an annotated bibliography before. I have written narrative essays, argumentative essays, created stories, poems and speech’s. However, I do have some background information in writing annotated bibliography’s, you have to do certain research and have to summarize and evaluate sources. I have done a lot of research in many different classes. English Composition 1 is a class that I did research on where we had to pick a social issue and find the research to write an informative paper as the final. My advice would be when you find an article, make sure to find a credible sources that you can use on your annotated bibliography because sometimes you can find false and inaccurate information on certain sites.

  14. Michalis Photiou

    I never wrote a annotate bibliography before. I only know how to write essays, letters and speech’s. For an other class i did research many times. For instance I have a project in an other class that we must research stuff on a topic given from the professor. Well i believe the only advice i can think of giving to my classmates is searching correct. Do not jump in some sketchy fake websites with false information. For example google scholar can help, that’s the only website I use for my research instead of blinding looking at google websites. There are many ways to notice a fake website for example you can check when the website was updated last time or check the claims of the website. Also wanted to ask what are we supposed to do in this assignment never heard of annotate bibliography before.

  15. zhouxing shi

    I haven’t written an annotated bibliography before. I did research for my history class, I wrote a research paper about the causes of World War II. The advice about research I will give are as follows: 1. Collect materials extensively, not only focus on the Internet, but also go to the library. Many articles on the Internet are locked and need to be registered or paid to view them. However, there are no restrictions on books in the library. 2. Carefully choose the materials to be used and ensure the authenticity and authority of the materials. Many opinions on the Internet are irresponsible or fake news. For example, someone’s blog post. We can quote more from the Bible, the Constitution, and famous literary works. 3. Check that the references are not biased or offensive. Some articles are radical, and its views may not show respect for the religions and cultures of other countries. Articles with any discrimination should not be used.

  16. Sumon Alam

    I have written annotated bibliography, but not too much in depth, I only wrote annotated bibliography on short essays which I’m used to writing.
    Yes, Of Course I’ve researched for other classes, Last semester I wrote a research paper which was hard, tough and This is my second time researching it in depth, however I researched on other topics too but not so much in depth I only used the quotes from articles and explained what that topic means.
    I would give them advice as for example if a person is researching for the first time and before the assignment starts he’s scared, I would just like to tell them that there is nothing to be afraid of, if you have written an argument essay you can also do this research because on argument essays you research the reasons to back up your point and for research you research in depth.

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