I’m choosing to do a speech instead of a letter. I believe this way is better and more effective in getting a sincere message to the audience. I believe it’s better to explain and make an argument verbally than simply with a letter. In a speech especially about the injustices going on in the U.S., it’s easier to add on more and more points and step outside the speech that you’ve written for a few seconds or even minutes. But in a letter it’s more of getting to the point because you can’t really step out of your letter to touch on points, whatever is written and sent out that’s pretty much it. I think a speech is better in helping with my argument because of how easy it is to communicate with others verbally. It’s easier to refute anything that could be brought up against my argument. My audience is a mix of those responsible for my topic which is on police brutality and those that are suffering in the hands of the police. They may see me as someone that feels what they’re going through and is fighting side-by-side with them. But some may see me as someone who’s just wasting their words and not doing more to help them. Then again some may believe I’m speaking on an issue that I might not relate with because of the platform I may have but it would seem somewhat absurd because it’s an issue that affects anyone no matter what status they may hold. If I was to do this in a letter it wouldn’t have been easy to catch their attention, but with a speech they can hear and see how I genuinely feel about the topic. They would not not just take my word for it, but they’ll see how I feel with my actions as I’m giving the speech or simply reciting it.
With the speech I could just start off with the things I’ve experienced in my community. Including all the injustices, senseless killings by the police, and all the absurd power some have among us. Then I’ll shift it to the ridiculous justifications of some of these actions. Elaborate on them with some statistics and comparisons between Blacks and Whites that have to deal with the harshness of America against minorities. Then figure out how to conclude it.