. Write a few sentences explaining which model you are choosing (the speech or letter) and why.

–  The model that I am choosing is speech. In a speech, you can convince the audience more efficiently by using body language. We can see in a speech if the audience is satisfied or not; in other words, there is feedback. However, for the letter, there is any contact with the writer and the audience. There is an old thought that says that the words go away, and the scriptures remain. At present, thanks to the dynamics of the technology, this thought is no longer relevant because we can record the speech delivered by someone.

. Answer this question: How do you think this specific genre will help you to make your argument?

– I think this specific genre will help me advocate for my discourse community, which is Haitian music compas). With this specific genre, I can bring a solution to the background information of my discourse community that requires resolving their copyright problem. To resolve the issue of copyright, the artist in the Haitian community need to be regrouped together in order to debate or discuss on how to resolve that issue.

. Describe your audience. Think about how or why this particular group may see you (the speaker/writer) as different as or even less knowledgeable than they are on this particular topic.

. My audience is Haitian music. Haitian music has many problems because the language of that music is not spoken and understood by many people. Meaning other nations cannot understand and interpret the music. Haitian music does not generate money due to the language, and most of the Haitians cannot afford the cost of buying an album. They might see me as different because I do not spend enough time in the community despite I advocate for them from time to time.

. Create either an outline or a summary organizing your thoughts. Whatever you prefer to make clear (to you and to me) what the main point of your piece will be and how you will make your argument.

.The main point of my piece, it’s about Haitian music that is my discourse community; I always advocate for this kind of music due to its complexity and its beauty. Haitian music deserves to be more appreciated and expanded around the world. The Haitian music “Compas” deserves copyright in order for the artists or musicians to generate funds and revenue for their work.