I honestly ain’t sure of what I want to do, but my inclination is towards a letter, a speech requires more from the speaker, a speech is usually transient, and speakers can correct themselves and change their utterances as they go along, while a letter is a direct written or printed message addressed to a specific person which might make it a lot simpler because you will only be addressing a single person compare to an audience.

I think that by choosing this genre, it will help me because I can raise my concerns regarding my dc and what can be done to resolve such problems or at least try to influence the recipient into acting towards a solution. generally speaking writing a letter not knowing the addressee or recipient might present a challenge, this is because you can come off on the wrong foot and your letter could be dismissed, so the tone in which you write will have either a negative or positive impact in the reader so trying to be neutral when writing gives you the upper hand to get your message across.

my audience or specific target will probably be someone that as me will be concerned with the problems college students face, as we know specially during this precarious times, students are being targeted constantly and although college officials are warning students and doing something towards the problem, the truth is that it is not enough, my intended target might see me as a concerned student that is working towards getting solutions for a problem that affects vast majority of the college population, usually students are the ones being targeted but this not only present a problem to them but also to college officials.

for my outline my first couple of sentences should be a salutation and introduction, being neutral when introducing myself, after that I will introduce my dc and the problems we are facing, after that I’ll probably use the info I have collected to try to showcase why this is a major problem and what will be expected if not solutions are found, after I’ll suggest solutions and finally closing the letter.