Before I get into what we’ll be doing for Week 3, I have a couple notes:

Please post your Micro-Activities as public, not private. I can see them either way, but I want your fellow students to be able to see and comment on them (in a constructive way, of course) from time to time.

If you haven’t done all your Micro-Activities, please complete them NOW. Because of the adjustments and troubles with online learning, I’m giving everyone a chance to do any assignments they haven’t completed by Sunday, September 6, at 11:59 PM. After this time, I will be strict with deadlines!

Hopefully, you read my email about the trials and tribulations of brainstorming. If you missed that one, go find it and read it!

Okay, so on to Week 3!

This will be a short week–there’s only one deadline (on Wednesday). I want you to read and listen to a speech by Frederick Douglass. If you don’t know who Frederick Douglass was, here’s a Wikipedia about him–it will be helpful to know his background and Discourse Communities. Also, the speech is long, so don’t wait until Tuesday or Wednesday to read and listen to it!

I want you to really pay attention to how he argued his position in light of the time, place, and audience in which he gave his speech, and consider how you’re going to write your speech or letter in light of the time and place in which we live in today.

Here’s the link for Week 3 assignments!

If you have questions about any of this or previous assignments, I’ll be hanging out in Zoom world on Friday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.