In reading Kothari’s writings I understand that she is connecting her native Indian food to specific events in her life. Kothari also incorporates other foods as she moves from place to place and time to time. I tried to correlate the foods taste with specific events but I did not perceive a connection. Kotari always names the other regional foods, and offers descriptions but only her native food does she specifically describe taste. I know there is much more there that I am missing . But I am late on this post and have another dead line to make. I missed this one by more ways than one.
In identifying an issue with my discourse community YouTube. I have noticed the following; The community is extremely diverse, dealing with a myriad of subject matter. The volume of that subject matter is delivered on a video platform with the community limited to comment section, post and reply. Also the information tends to be a primarily delivered outwards with no real intention of establishing a discourse per say. It is designed as entertaining or informative material. Recently though I have observed within my subscriptions, debates occurring via short video content. This is a relief as I was somewhat unsure if the platform actually fit the definition of a discourse community to begin with.
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