Monday, 9/7 – Friday, 9/11

(Monday: Labor Day–no classes)

By end-of-day Wednesday, 9/9



Quick Comments

  • Look at your peers’ Micro-Activity #3 posts from Wednesday. Are there any DC problems/issues that connect with yours? Or have any peers listed issues related to their DC that you have not considered? Write comments on at least two of your peers’ observations (approx. 25 words) either adding on to what they’ve said or helping them fine-tune what they are discussing.

Micro-Activity #4: Responding to Douglass

  • Write a post under Student Work: Unit 1 Work in which you do the following:
    • Having read and listened to Douglass’s speech, what do you believe he is arguing? Pick two quotations from the text that help support your understanding, and then do the following for each quote:
      • Quote the passage/lines using proper MLA citation formatting (be sure to quote accurately). For assistance in quoting something in MLA format, go to this page.
      • Paraphrase the quote (put it in your own words). For assistance in paraphrasing a quote, go to this page.
      • Respond to the quote and explain how this quote supports your interpretation of the text.

In your response, use the following format:

Quote 1:



Quote 2:



  • Find two more quotes where Douglass’s writing strategy gets your attention, and think about how you might use these strategies as models for your own writing. (Remember: for Unit 1: Investigating a Discourse Community you will be writing your own speech or letter.)

In your response, use the following format:

Quote 3:

Identify the writing strategy you see Douglass using:

Explain why you find this useful, persuasive, or effective in some way:

Quote 4:

Identify the writing strategy you see Douglass using:

Explain why you find this useful, persuasive, or effective in some way: