Respond to discussion question regarding unit 1
. Why the presentation has not been given for the assignment?
.Can this assignment “discourse community” help us understand the other assignments?

This piece is intended for Kothari’s family and their Indian kitchens. She wanted to feature her family and praise Indian food while showing the efficiency of Indian food; that’s why in the title of the text, she said,” If you are what you eat, then what I am.” She wanted to show us via this sentence that Indian is healthy and edible. The world has now become a small village, thanks to the advancement of technology and the different movements of people to other countries. Then, Kothari’s parents traveled with her to the United States. Her parents brought their culture to the USA and took American culture. Thus, we can speak now of the concept of acculturation; in other words, a cultural mixture, a mixture of community. Through this analysis, Kothari belongs to the Indian discourse community, especially her Indian kitchen and American discourse community.

I relate her situation because I was not born in the United States; when I came to the USA, I brought a part of my culture and took a part of American culture. I belong to the music and dance discourse community.