The  three pieces of information  from the syllabus that  caught my interest was;

  1. It is asynchronous.
  2. It is meta-cognitive.
  3. It uses OpenLab.

  I have many concerns with classes online. To me it is a paradigm shift scenario.    I can’t help but feel task loaded in the beginning.    Periodically even after I can operate the system of delivery,    I still can sometime have difficulty. Such as lost work by a bad keystroke. That catastrophic loss of a large amount of work or updated work scares me.    So I have become a  “save” addict.    When CityTech switched to distance learning most went to Zoom.    Some utilized multiple platforms to disseminate information such as Google and Blackboard.    I cannot say I am not familiar with the Internet as I have been with it since it’s inception.    However,    I never utilized it much for scholastic endeavors.    Fortunately,  I was in possession with the hardware and connections for a smooth transition.    But as time went on it became event that my configuration was not efficient.    My stand alone computer was in a poor location.    It was not comfortable for study and in a high traffic area.    So on an archaic laptop was where the bulk of the work was done.    In a much better quiet comfortable area with a desk.    Unfortunately,    the distance of the laptop caused connection issues and the machine would “lock up”.    I corrected this issue with a range extender and had good success.    I intend on purchasing a new laptop in the near future.    As my poor old laptop has an outdated operating system that is now unsupported by Microsoft, and has also now become a bit unstable.    It will not take a new operating system because of the higher memory demands so it cannot open some of the newer office products. These products are normally what is used on the free versions available for students provided by the school e.g. Office 360.    I have utilized Open Office as a work around on occasions.    But some media does not come across the two program types very well.      As you can read I have both user inexperience and hardware issues to overcome.    But as much as I find it aggravating or infuriating.    I relish the time when I get it right.    As things that are attained easily are not really appreciated as much as those you really had to work hard for.     I accept the challenge and desire to rise to the occasion.