Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Micro Activity #1 Shania Marius

One thing that caught my eye after looking over the syllabus is that the course will be running completely on Open Lab. I’m sure there will be an adjustment time for most but that has pretty much been the reoccurring theme over these past few months. I also noticed that this class is asynchronous which made me wonder how you would reach out to us about meeting together whether it be for an upcoming assignment, and so forth. Lastly I noticed that this activity was posted under ”agendas” and wanted to know if our assignments would be updated to match the corresponding week as well.

I’m partially glad that this semester is going to be conducted online because of what’s going on right now but at the same time concerned I’ll end up missing work because there isn’t a constant reminder of what’s going to be due. On the bright side though there is less travel and more time to solely focus on reading/writing. I don’t know if that means better grades but I hope it means that the quality of work and effort increases. My last experience with online learning was somewhat difficult because I was taking classes that were specifically meant to be taught in person but I’m optimistic that English class won’t be anything near that level of crippling stress. I can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst while going into this unexpected semester.

1 Comment

  1. Daria Dubovskaia

    Hi Shania, I totally agree with you. Gladly, the commute time has shrunk to zero and I hope this time won’t be transferred entirely to shoveling the imperfect notifications system. I don’t mind to know what’s going on on the class, to be inside of the continuum of activity, so to speak. but there is something that can be drastically improved! Looking forward to see how the platform evolves on-the-go. What was your commute before that wonderful pandemic?

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