Prof. Jessica Penner | OL12 | Fall 2020

Micro Activity #1 Andy Chantes

One thing that grabbed my attention was the fact that we would be using open lab. I kind of already had a feeling that we would because of a English class I had last semester which was expression of identity and I hope I could take some experience from that class and take it into this one.

One other thing that I liked was the grading it seems fair to me and I really enjoy the way its set up and the fact that we don’t have to waste nothing on text books.

One final thing that got my attention was the office hours, that we can meet with you about any concerns we have. For now I currently do not have any concerns for this class but if I do ill make sure to let you know professor.

1 Comment

  1. Rex Dovolani

    Hi Andy,
    I like the fact that you pointed out the professors office hours. We have the luxury to meet with her multiple times during the week if we have any questions or concerns. Due to the situation we are currently in we have the ability to reach her via email which is also a plus.

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