To future students taking this course and wondering how the course will shape out and some advice, I would give to you all. Firstly, the best advice I would give to anyone taking this course is to stay on track and stay on top of your assignments and major writing assignments because if you fall behind, it can be pretty hard to catch back up because deadlines are very short on some assignments. Looking back to when I was taking this course I honestly would not have done anything differently because I feel now that I was at my own pace completing the writing assignments and didn’t really have to rush at all in this course, but that’s only because I would do most assignments a day or two after it’s been posted. When it comes to major writing assignments, the one I enjoyed the most was the speech style essay because everything I was writing was mostly creative writing and I would say I enjoy creative writing the most, as for the least enjoyable, I would definitely say Unit 3 Multimodal only because it was the least familiar writing assignment that I did and I never did a Multimodal assignment so starting off was a bit rough. Other than that, this course can be very smooth if you just stay a task and focused.