Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Jacky Li, Social Justice Brainstorm

The social justice issue I want to research about for the unit two assignment is homelessness. Growing up in New York City I am no stranger to witnessing the homeless, whether it be on the streets or on the trains. It has always felt something that we just accepted as a reality that there will be people suffering. I think there is stigma regarding homelessness which is that the people are lazy and they should just get a job. However, I find the issue to be more complicated than that. There are many factors that can lead to someone to be without shelter. This ranges from addiction, poverty, undocumented immigrants, LGBTQ youth, mental health issues, etc. Some questions that I have regarding this topic would be how can we prevent homelessness from happening, and what are some resources available that can help. I want to learn more about the root causes because it isn’t a surface level problem.


  1. Rabbi

    Why do think the issue is more complicated than that?

  2. Demetrius Brown-Williams

    The issue does seem a lot which makes it intriguing and a good topic to research. Learning the roots and different causes can expand on that point because there are so many reasons why people become homeless.

  3. Jacky Li

    My updated research question is “What can be done about homelessness in New York City?”

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