Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Gerardo Ramos Social Justice Brainstorm

The social justice issue I want to write about is about homelessness. In my short time researching the topic I learned a a few new things. For one homelessness, the major part of it when it really started to take form, comes around the 1970s for NYC. It was due to laws that created a pathway for people to become homeless. It was a multi tier event, with mental hospitals not wanting to institutionalize due to break through treatment and the bad rep they got. Then housing laws stopped affordable housing. All these things plus more leads up to the homelessness crisis we have today.

Questions 1: How does solving homelessness benefit everyone?

Question 2: How do you prevent someone from becoming homeless in the first place?

Question 3: How does sustain programs to help lower homelessness and keep them housed, so that they are not back out in the street?

1 Comment

  1. Staceyydeleon

    I do understand the social justice issue that Gerardo is addressing. His questions can not just be answered in a yes or no format. what is he asking are open minded questions and aren’t bias. For example his first question can have more than just one answer because people may believe there are many ways that solving homelessness can benefit everyone.

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