If this were a movie two actors I would cast in the role of Antigone and ismene are Blake lively and leighton meester. Gossip girl has always been one of my favorite shows where Blake lively and leighton meester play the role of bestfriends dispute their differences. I would choose Leighton Meester to play the role of Antigone because from Leightons Meester role on Gossip Girl they are both strong, and passionate for what they believe in. They will fight for what they believe in no matter the costs. I would pick Blake lively to play the role of ismene. Blake lively always has her bestfriends back In the show Gossip girl. Which shows devotion and loyalty like Ismene does to her sister. 

If Creon lived in today’s world I feel as if his monologue would appear on Instagram. I believe he would use this platform because he believes everybody must obey his word and his word is law. I picture him going live on Instagram making his monologue to his audience and followers. Creon would be the type to post about his ideas and orders, while being a leader who identifies Himself as the power of the state.