I have chosen the Healthcare discourse community for this topic. The main issue in this discourse community that I want to focus on is overworking our understaffed healthcare workers. From the two articles that I read regarding overworking healthcare workers- both articles mentioned how more mistakes are likely to happen with understaffing and/or burnout. These mistakes include malpractice and spread of hazardous particles that can put everyone’s health at risk. From my research, healthcare workers are very adamant on fixing this issue because they are the people who are affected by this most. Employees have gone on strikes because the workload is unethical and troublesome. Healthcare workers have suffered from insomnia, depression, suicide ideation, anxiety, personality disorders and health risks due to this issue (Chandola, 2006). In fact, I have interviews two of my coworkers- Kelly and Sharmane. I asked each the same questions such as: “Are you burnt out?” “Do you feel as though you are being treated unfairly at work as a registered nurse?” and lastly, “Do you think employees are overworked due to understaffing?” Both Kelly and Sharmane have similar answers attesting to the issue I have presented. They both believe that their voices seem unheard, supervisors do not seem to care if they have had a break since they’re so busy and also mentioned that more staff is needed.

Chandola, Tarani, et al. “Chronic Stress at Work and the Metabolic Syndrome: Prospective Study.” BMJ, vol. 332, no. 7540, 2006, pp. 521–525., https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.38693.435301.80.