If I could turn back time I would do many things differently. Such as attending professors’ office hours. During this semester I felt a bit challenged in all my classes including english class but wasn’t over my head. I usually struggled to stay on top of my assignments and homework, but being able to use an open lab gave me easy access to go back and make sure I knew what had to be done under agenda. My advice is always to make sure you read the agenda beforehand so you can have a better understanding of what is going to happen in class. Also make sure you complete your homework on time and plan out your schedule to complete it. As a full time college student and full time employee I struggle to find time, but one thing I did differently this semester is brainstorming my thoughts on google docs on my phone no matter where I was at. Beforehand on a major assignment I usually brainstorm while I was at work, on break, or at the gym. This allowed me to plan out my writing. Furthermore, I suggest if you are struggling with one of your major assignments, attend office hours and ask the professor for her feedback. The readings that we read in class were very absorbing. One thing I really enjoyed about this class was the Peer reviews, the peer reviews help you reflect on what you can improve just from the positive feedback of your classmate. Reading your classmate’s work also helps you reflect on something your assignment may be missing. Overall, this class is very entertaining, I learned and challenged my perspectives this semester.