The climate change issue I chose to research touches upon what is taking place to prevent the negative effects of climate change. According to the article, the Nature Conservatory suggests in order to reduce global warming” humans must reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.” This would most likely be possible to achieve if the government is willing to fund this transition. The article emphasizes how even if the human population can reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, we would still have the adapt to the impact of global warming. The article also states that the Nature Conservancy is taking active steps to tackle climate change such as: building resilience through natural defenses and of vulnerable ecosystems. I agree with the text because humans are the main cause of global warming! The sooner we acknowledge that, the sooner we can unite and make a difference in Earth’s health. The article I chose to read for this assignment has reassured me as well as answered my question regarding what is being done to nurture our planet.

          “Climate Change: Frequently Asked Questions.” The Nature Conservancy, 9 Dec. 2018,