Prof. Jessica Penner | OL33 | Fall 2021

Stacey Deleon, Social Justice Brainstorm

Children from as young as five labor. In the article “ten things you didn’t know about child labour” it states “approximately 218 million children between 5 and 17 years are engaged in some form of employment.” Child labour affects these children mentally and physically. Sometimes even death. Children sometimes suffer from growth and have development issues due to harmful chemicals. Years of hazardous work can and has had many effects on their health. They should be in school getting an education instead of working to serve as soldiers. Covid-19 has also had a tremendous affect on child labour in the past year due to marker demand in poorer countries. The latest ILO global estimates that Africa has the largest number of child labourers. My questions about child labour are, would high economic growth in these poor countries solve the issue of using children for Labour? Is it true that In certain countries if children don’t labour they would be worse off ? How can we help stop this issue in other countries that have been going on for decades? 


  1. Gerardo Ramos

    I believe the topic is an interesting one. One can write about a lot a about child labor. Just for the research paper try to focus on the point you want to bring into focus the most. All the questions are good questions that require information to answer them and not just a yes or no. I do not see any bias in the questions either.

  2. Valentina

    I really do understand your overall topic, it’s been a major issue that many people do turn their heads on. Maybe you should look into also so how many violations of counties for child labor because in some countries it’s different age limits that children can be put to work. Like I heard that in India the age limit is like 14 or 13 they are start working. Maybe only if there is anything about how many of those children got sick during the pandemic out break and were still working . I don’t really like the last question because poor countries have really stayed poor I believe no one really overlooks that or that it’s gonna change but still believe it’s a good question to research. I do like your second question it’s a question that can be in much details because family would put their children to work because of family needs and how would the family be effected maybe having higher population of death rates I would say. I like the first question because there are so many ways that a country can be fixed new because of economic growth.

    Hopefully I made sense lol

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