My issue is writing about obesity in the U.S. While looking up the main problems of obesity mainly in the US, there’s the risk of heart diseases. Obesity is associated with the leading causes of death such as strokes, chronic illnesses, type 2 diabetes, and various types of cancer. There’s videos of people who are really overweight/obese and they just look terrible. A video where a man who was vegan and was fit, stopped being vegan and did mukbang (eat a lot of food in front of camera) videos. Now he looks like ‘Stay Puft’ the Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters.

With the lack of nutrition or a “balanced-diet”, people’s bellies are getting rounder and their wallet are looking emptier. America has a nutrition problem, and there’s lots of consumption with junk food, processed, and foods loaded with sugar. You can go to a gym all you want, but if all those awful food aren’t cut down, it’s impossible to lose all the weight.

Question 1: How do you evaluate obesity?

Question 2: What’s with the lack of nutrition?

Question 3: How can people realize that the unhealthy food that they’re consuming everyday affect them in many ways?